
What does your hair or lack of it mean to you and what does your hair mean to others?

When I one day shaved off all my hair, just for fun, I received a lot of feedback. Mostly negative, some very harsh. I still felt like the same person though but others seemed to perceive me differently. To me, I think, my hair is just to keep my head warm and when it gets too long it annoys me as it gets in the way and takes longer to dry.

I’ve discussed this with others and some feel the same about hair. However, for others it’s a massive part of their identity, and then for some it’s a bit of both. What everyone agreed on is how much people have to say about other peoples hair.

For this project, aptly titled ‘HAIR’, I’ve found people willing to lose all the hair on their head. To add a bit of fun we experimented with fun in between hair cuts. After processing, scanning and printing I asked the sitters to take their time and reflect on what they saw.


Take a Look at Yourself

